Special Needs Groups
From the beginning, a particular focus of our school challenge programmes has been on providing expeditions for special needs students. While all students can gain from the experiences than an overseas expedition provides, we feel that special needs students in particular can benefit from the improved confidence, sense of self and greater perspective that participating in such an event can bring.
The goal of our expeditions for special needs schools is to provide your school with a challenging expedition (UK or overseas) that will inspire self-belief among vulnerable children.
Key to this goal is the mentor programme. On our expeditions, in addition to support from teachers and expedition leaders, schools are encouraged to involve the participation of mentors from the worlds of sport and business. Mentors work closely with the students, providing support both before and during the expedition, by attending UK training days and accompanying the students while overseas. In doing so, they provide valuable encouragement and a real source of inspiration to the students as they strive to achieve their goals both inside and outside of the classroom. Mentors are always encouraged to offer their services free of charge.
Mentors on our past expeditions have included former Englang rugby captain Lewis Moody, World Thai-Boxing Champion Rachael MacKenzie, TV chef Anthony Worral-Thompson, and former CEO of Porsche GB and BMW Kevin Gaskell.
We shall work with you to plan the most constructive expedition itinerary for your school and to select the best team (comprised of our experienced leaders, your school teachers and mentors) to prepare for and participate on the expedition.
Our fundraising expertise and flexible payment options are documented on the Finance Options section of this website, and may be of interest if your school is likely to have difficulties funding one of our expeditions directly.
Uganda safari
A wonderful trip which has opened my eyes to the real Africa more than any other trip I have done before.